How can I effectively kill giants in melee combat?

I read some good hints in this question, but I am a warrior. I don't want to run around the giant throwing him dozens of arrows, I want to fight him face to face, mace to mace.

I am level 25 now, specialized in 1-hand combat, shield and heavy armor. Is it possible to challenge a giant in melee combat and win? What equipment should I use that can help me against giants, or better yet, what skills can help me out here?

You say "Mace to Mace", I prefer "Mace to Face" :D

2 most important things for melee against a giant:

  1. Dance in and out of range before he strikes
  2. Use shield attacks to interrupt his power attacks

Without very high damage absorption (armour >500 etc) on a high difficulty multiplier you will hurt if he gets a good hit on you, so controlling the combat and ensuring you aren't flanked by a second giant is important.

If you still have trouble then 3) Have decent block absorption (skill, perks and possibly enchanted block) -> only a few % of damage taken.

Easy money :)

[ Mages have no problem with them with impact, And rogues can find a sneaky rock to stand on ]

I don't know about level 25, but at level 28 I received a few bounties to kill giants.

I found that if I shot a giant with a frostbite venom arrow (with sneak damage) and then charged him with my Shield of Solitude, and did a power bash every time he swung, along with a sword which had the "Absorb health" enchantment, I was able to defeat the giant , even if it hit me twice. Just make sure there are no other giants or mamoths around, and that you keep your stamina up.

This was with Heavy Armor and a rating of 350+ armor (from my smithing orcish armor and making it epic)

This was without a follower.

Melee killing giants requires a simple technique you can get with practice. When the giant charges you, charge him but pass to the side of him, the giant will take a swing and pause. Turn around and slash him. When the giant turns to face you charge him again and pass by, repeat. Should only take 2-4 times.

Giants are boring by level 30 with ~400 armor rating and 4 perk points in Armsman or Barbarian. 4 or 5 hits to kill them, they need 9 or 10 hits to kill me. I don't even potion, poison, heal, shout, block or use allies.

Look, armor rating works against opponents like giants that only do physical damage. Take your awesome blacksmith'd armor, put an Oakflesh on top of it and trade blows.