Is there a word/phrase for an organisation whose stated aims would put itself out of business?
There are many bodies that claim to have worthy aims, but if they achieved them they would put themselves out of business, so they avoid doing anything effective, or even do more harm than good. Common themes are the environment, health and various forms of equality.
Is there a word or simple phrase that describes such an organisation?
Solution 1:
I can't think of a generic term for the type of organisation, but the behaviour you describe is self-defeating or, if it's very obviously shooting itself in the feet, self-sabotaging.
Solution 2:
There may be no catch-all term. If you are talking about a committee, then ad hoc would be entirely appropriate:
ad hoc adjective [ before noun ]
made or happening only for a particular purpose or need, not planned before it happens:
- an ad hoc committee/meeting
Cambridge Dictionary