How do I fix the tiny font in my Windows 7 system dialog boxes?

Solution 1:

Check the answer given on this page - it should solve your problem.

Check the values MS Shell Dlg and MS Shell Dlg 2 the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes

On my machine, the values are:

  • MS Shell Dlg has the value of Microsoft Sans Serif,
  • MS Shell Dlg 2 has the value of 'Tahoma'.

Expanding on the purpose of these keys: They allow applications to avoid hard-coding font names for use in dialogs; the system fonts to be changed as necessary to support non-English character sets.

Solution 2:

Go to Control Panel -> Personalization -> Window Color -> Advanced appearance settings.

enter image description here

Go through each item in the Item drop-down and see if anything has a very low Size set in the Font section.