What is the difference between /Library/QuickTime/ and /Library/Components/

Solution 1:

The documentation for the directory structure is at https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/FileManagement/Conceptual/FileSystemProgrammingGuide/MacOSXDirectories/MacOSXDirectories.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40010672-CH10-SW1

(Note this document seems to be still current although it is in an archive directory. Apple decided to change their documentation format but the new one does not allow conceptual documents like this so you have to look in the archive)

Library/QuickTime - Contains QuickTime components and extensions.

Library/Components - Contains system bundles and extensions.

So either is correct.

The older document that this replaced has a revision note that information in Library was changed in 2006 and it itself replace a document in 2003. As Apple has changed the web addresses I can't find the earlier versions.