How to batch-convert Dual Fisheye Ricoh Theta 360 Movies into Equirectangular Videos?

The "Ricoh Theta" contains a tool to convert videos via command line. This is useful if you want to batch convert many videos at the same time. Just use this command for each file you like to convert:

"/Applications/RICOH" <sourcefilename>.MP4 <destinationfilename>.MP4 

For example, if you like to convert a number of files, copy paste the lines with all the filenames into your terminal:

"/Applications/RICOH" R0010901.MP4 R0010901_er.MP4 & 
"/Applications/RICOH" R0010902.MP4 R0010902_er.MP4 & 
"/Applications/RICOH" R0010903.MP4 R0010903_er.MP4 & 

I put it in the background using the & symbol so I can run them in parallel within one terminal window.