How to use generic syntax inside a Razor view file?

Solution 1:

To use generic methods you need to escape the expression


Solution 2:

I just found this question when I was looking for this "same error" when upgrading mvc.

I had :

Does not work:

   ViewBag.Title = "Something " + @Model.Title;
   var something = (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewBag.Options;    

Apparently, the syntax went stricter, and as you are inside a @{} block, you should not add @ before Model.Title on the example. But the error on the code editor was pointing to the generic and it was getting me crazy.

It works fine if there is no <> inside the code, but just removing the @ from Model.Title fix the issue.


   ViewBag.Title = "Something " + Model.Title;
   var something = (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewBag.Options;    

Hope this helps to anyone