How to set time with date in momentjs

Does momentjs provide any option to set time with particular time ?

var date = "2017-03-13";
var time = "18:00";

var timeAndDate = moment(date).startOf(time);

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Solution 1:

Moment.js does not provide a way to set the time of an existing moment through a string. Why not just concatenate the two:

var date = "2017-03-13";
var time = "18:00";

var timeAndDate = moment(date + ' ' + time);

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Alternatively, you can use two Moment objects and use the getters and setters. Although a far more verbose option, it could be useful if you can't use concatenation:

let dateStr = '2017-03-13',
    timeStr = '18:00',
    date    = moment(dateStr),
    time    = moment(timeStr, 'HH:mm');

    hour:   time.get('hour'),
    minute: time.get('minute'),
    second: time.get('second')

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Solution 2:

Since this pops up in google results, moment now has a set(unit, value) function and you can achieve this by:

const hours = 15;
const minutes = 32;
var date = moment("1946-05-21").set("hour", hours).set("minute", minutes);

or as a combined function

var date = moment("1946-05-21").set({"hour": 15, "minute": 32});

Note: the set function requires the value to be Integer type

Solution 3:

Just incase anyone is wondering how to set the time on a Date Object, here's how I did it:

const dateObj = new Date();

const dateStr = dateObj.toISOString().split('T').shift();
const timeStr = '03:45';

const timeAndDate = moment(dateStr + ' ' + timeStr).toDate();

Solution 4:

for today's date with a different time:

moment(12, "HH")

Solution 5:

var timeAndDate = moment(date).add(moment.duration(time))

When you have separated string for date and time you can parse first as date and second as duration and just add them. This should create moment with proper date and time