Deleting a Google App Engine application

Is it possible to delete an GAE application after it has been created?

I made a mistake while typing the name and now have a dummy application that I haven't been able to remove.

With the new Google Cloud console, you can still disable GAE applications as before (App Engine --> Settings --> Disable). They cannot currently be deleted. However you can delete the entire project by going to IAM --> Settings --> Shut Down. This button is in the header and a bit tricky to spot. It looks like this:

enter image description here

As of AppEngine SDK 1.2.6 it's possible to delete apps completely. But beware, the app-id won't be usable again.

As most of the answers are outdated or contradictive and this is an important question I decided to clarify current possible solutions when intending to delete an application in Google App Engine or having related issues.

Currently, there is no way to delete an existing app in GAE. Once created it cannot be removed, nor its initial settings can be changed (like the region where it was deployed). The only possible workaround is starting a new project and deploying a new application. There were feature requests in Google Issue Tracker regarding these issues: deleting an app and changing zone/region. You can still delete the whole project as described in Steve Armstrong's answer, but bear in mind that this will remove everything you created there (like GCE, GKE etc.), not only GAE.

However, it all depends on why you would like to delete your app. If you would simply like to stop it from serving requests or you don't want it to incur further costs, you can disable the app as described in the GCP docs here.

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