openvpn list all active certificates

Solution 1:

If you're using easy-rsa, check the index.txt file in the keys folder. It should contain a list of all the issued certificates and their subjects (including CN); valid certificates start with a V and revoked ones start with an R.
The current connections are listed in the status file (in my case, openvpn-status.log in the openvpn folder).

Solution 2:

You can get a list of current connections to the OpenVPN server either by using the status command over the management interface (see, or by looking at the status file which is specified using the status line in the config files (see

If you want to know who can connect to the OpenVPN server its a bit harder. OpenVPN will let anyone in whose certificate contains a signature generated with the CA key the server is configured to use. If you are using a third party PKI infrastructure they should have records of the certificates they have issued. If you are using the easy-rsa stuff then the certs should all be in that directory.

Solution 3:

You can simply do that in this way:

# cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/2.0/keys/
# cat index.txt | grep ^V | awk -F "/" '{print $7, $8}'

Lines in index.txt starts with V if the certificate is valid.

Result should looks like this:

CN=guest name=changeme