How to save all files in tabs on Vim?

If I have multiple files in tabs on VIM and I edit few of them. How to save them with one command?

Solution 1:

The command wa (short for wall) will write all changed buffers. You can also use :tabdo w, which is definitely exactly what you want, and generalizes nicely.

Solution 2:

Just do


(followed by return) which is a shorthand for


Also to "save everything and exit" you can do

:wqa or :xa


Solution 3:

It's possible to suffix a[ll] for a number of Vim command-line commands (i.e. type : when in normal mode), include:

  • :wa - save all tabs / unsaved buffers

  • :xa/:wqa - save all tabs / unsaved buffers and exit Vim

  • :qa - exit vim (will warn if unsaved buffers exist)

Solution 4:

To save all the files just use an a after the write command to write all the files.


Solution 5:

And you can use :tabdo! w too, I'm just adding this, because it's useful for other things too (e.g. :tabdo! g/somepattern/ s/something/anything/... I use it all the time for refactoring purposes...)