Equivalent text editor to MS-DOS Editor

While I respect the power and flexibility of emacs, vim, etc, I miss MS-DOS Editor.

It's very simple to use, has a nice color display and a menu system which, if I remember correctly, you could navigate with the arrow keys. It's very straightforward and user friendly.

Is there an equivalent in Ubuntu?

Title screen:

enter image description here

Find and replace:enter image description here

Nano (Installed by default)

nano is a GPL Licensed curses-based text editor for Unix and Unix-like systems.

Nano Screenshot


You can try mcedit, it looks a lot like MS-DOS Edit.
I dont remember if it comes with ubuntu, probably you have to install mc install (midnight commander)


Another choice, available in the repos, powerful and more close to Borland's compilers editor, is the editor fte.

Available in the following versions:

  • xwindows, command xfte, package fte-xwindow;
  • terminal, command sfte, package fte-terminal;
  • console, command vfte, package fte-console.

A screenshot:

enter image description here

sudo apt-get install fp-ide    

and run:

fp file.txt

100% like "edit" in MsDos. It is IDE fo freepascal but it can edit text files.

  • multiple windows
  • save last session
  • gcalctour
  • ascii table
  • grep
  • undo redo
  • find and replace
  • Console Mouse Support (install gpm) ...and more

Is part in free pascal ..it can be run without download full free pascal
