Firebase Hosting: We couldn't verify your domain Please check your settings and try again [closed]

I tried to add my custom domain to firebase hosting. But firebase can not verify. Though I add txt record in my domain control panel. Here is the the
Screenshoot of DNS Management after Adding a Text Record

enter image description here

Remove your domain name and Add @ instead of your domain.

For future reference replace host with @ instead of (for godaddy, namecheap, 1and1 ...)

Firebase help :

Value for host names may differ based on each DNS provider. For example, some DNS providers use '@' for your root domain name. For subdomains, it could be 'www' or ''

Here's the steps I'd use:

  1. DNS registrar / records host: delete TXT records pointing to firebase.
  2. firebase console: delete the custom domain.
  3. firebase console: add custom domain.
  4. copy the two A records from firebase to DNS host
    • DNS record host may take @ for the "host" rather than "" or ""
  5. save A records in DNS host
  6. if DNS host has an SPF TXT record add "v=spf1" before the "~all" and without the quotes; I don't suggest deleting this record if already there, just add to it.
  7. wait 24-48 hours to see if the changes work
  8. if it doesn't work, contact firebase support from the console; be sure to take screen shots of the DNS records and the firebase console. These will help the firebase support team to troubleshoot the problem.

NOTE: I'd use Frank's info to check if the site is propagating and to check what it returns. If the firebase spf info is missing, see step 6.

NOTE 1: I also don't know why it's necessary to add the firebase spf record if you're using a non-google email provider. My understanding was that SPF is for email. But, adding it helped me with 2 websites that weren't propagating.

Be patient. It can take up to 24 hours to propagate.