Xen network-bridge interface renaming

Solution 1:

The goal is to maintain 'eth0' IP/MAC for the host OS but not have the physical interface tied to a particular IP. This allows guest to not need NAT for their network.

The rename game is to minimize the down time of the network, reduce the number of things that can go wrong at the last minute and provide an easy way to back out should something go wrong.

Solution 2:

Your renaming scheme wouldn't work because peth0 is "Physical eth0", and your way you'd end up with peth0 being the virtual interface.

Honestly, I think Xen's bridging stuff is utter balls, and I just use the OS' native bridging configuration setup (/etc/network/interfaces makes this beautifully easy), and then just tell the domU's config which bridge to attach to. I also name all my bridges with meaningful names (which helps because we've got VLANs everywhere, and they're all meaningfully named too).