port in use

Solution 1:

If you are running into this problem on OSX, do the following:

  1. Find out what is running on that port:
    $ lsof -n -i4TCP:5432

    COMMAND     PID         USER   FD   TYPE             DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME
    python2.7 28687 afdasdfasd    3u  IPv4 0x2f18e1284963d3e3      0t0  TCP> (CLOSE_WAIT)
  1. Kill it
    $ kill -9 28687
  1. Restart postgresapp

Solution 2:

Have you checked for a launch daemon? It controls the Postgres process when Postgres is installed with Homebrew, and it automatically restarts Postgres after it is killed. Try

sudo launchctl list


sudo launchctl list | fgrep postg

to find the name of the daemon. You can stop the daemon with sudo launchctl stop <name> where name depends on the result of the first command.

Solution 3:

Askubuntu provided an answer that worked for me:

sudo pkill -u postgres

Source: Nicely stop all postgres processes