Examples of fields of characteristic 0?

I was preparing for an area exam in analysis and came across a problem in the book Real Analysis by Haaser & Sullivan. From p.34 Q 2.4.3, If the field F is isomorphic to the subset S' of F', show that S' is a subfield of F'. I would appreciate any hints on how to solve this problem as I'm stuck, but that's not my actual question.

I understand that for finite fields this implies that two sets of the same cardinality must have the same field structure, if any exists. The classification of finite fields answers the above question in a constructive manner.

What got me curious is the infinite case. Even in the finite case it's surprising to me that the field axioms are so "restrictive", in a sense, that alternate field structures are simply not possible on sets of equal cardinality. I then started looking for examples of fields with characteristic zero while thinking about this problem. I didn't find many. So far, I listed the rationals, algebraic numbers, real numbers, complex numbers and the p-adic fields. What are other examples? Is there an analogous classification for fields of characteristic zero?

Solution 1:

Is there an analogous classification for fields of characteristic zero?

Yes, but it is somewhat useless and nobody would call it a classification.

Every field of characteristic zero has the form $Quot(\mathbb{Q}[X]/S)$, where $X$ is a set of variables and $S$ is a set of polynomials in $\mathbb{Q}[X]$ (which you may replace by the ideal generated by $S$, which must be prime). This may be improved by the existence of transcendence bases: Every field of characteristic zero has the form $Quot(\mathbb{Q}[X])[T]/S$, where $X$ and $T$ are sets of variables and $S$ consists of polynomials, which have each only one variable of $T$.

Solution 2:

If $F$ is any field, the rational functions over it form a field $F(t)$ with the same characteristic (and cardinality, if $F$ is infinite). This field consists of all rational functions $P(t)/Q(t)$ (considered as equivalence classes, i.e. if $P_1(t) Q_2(t) = P_2(t) Q_1(t)$ then $P_1(t)/Q_1(t)$ and $P_2(t)/Q_2(t)$ are identified).

You can also replace polynomials with formal power series to get a different field. And you can iterate the construction or just consider rational functions in several variables.