Set Terminal tab name automatically?

If I connect to one of my Pi using ssh ssh [email protected]

This sets the macOS terminal tab title to "pi@MilliwaysPi4"

If I connect to one of my Macs using ssh ssh [email protected]
The macOS terminal tab title remains at its default.

I can then manually set using the following:-
echo -en "\033]1; $(hostname) \007"

This sets the macOS terminal tab title to "Zaphod.local"

Is there any way to get macOS to automatically set the title?
Is there a ssh setting which would facilitate this behaviour?

I have tried many options;
Including echo -en "\033]1; $(hostname) \007" after ssh does not work, as any subsequent commands do not run on the host.

Including echo -en "\033]1; $(hostname) \007" before ssh sets the Title to the host on the host.

I could hard code the Title into a script before ssh which does work, but often I use IP Address rather than a HOSTNAME so this is not generic.

Apparently something happens when sshing to Linux which sets the title, but not when sshing to macOS. Ideally I would like to discover what this is.

The Linux .bashrc contains

# If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir
case "$TERM" in
    PS1="\[\e]0;${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h: \w\a\]$PS1"

although frankly this is inscrutable.

You can set the window title from the login script of your shell, by including the echo you run manually.