How do I use bookmarks sync?

I'm using 11.04 Natty here, and have enabled bookmarks sync in the Ubuntu One configuration on my Desktop.

I have also done the same on my laptop.

However, my bookmarks are not syncing. I figured there'd probably be a little config utility for this, or a 'synchronize now!' button, but I've not found anything of the sort. So, my basic question is this:

How do I USE the bookmarks sync?

Edit: Yes, I have bindwood installed and enabled on both computers. Both computers also successfully synchronize files. However, bookmarks are not synchronizing.

Go to the ubuntu one control panel in the services tab you will find an option install bookmarks sync.

I for one don't use this feature in ubuntu one because firefox also has native bookmark, configuration and password sync build in since 4.0.


What version of Firefox are you on?

I'm on Natty too and the default installed (as far as I am aware) Firefox browser is V6.

When I go to Firefox/ Tools/ Add-ons/ Extensions to add Bindwood it says Bindwood 1.99.0 is incompatible with Firefox 6 and has been disabled.

So if you are using Firefox 6 it looks like it is not going to work until some update to fix this comes along.