Can app creators continue to access my data after I delete their app?

I know that once I have subscribed to a given app, that I have granted permissions to the author to access various bits of information. but,my question is - what happens when I delete the app from my phone and library?

Is the author of the app simultaneously and unilaterally denied the future ability to gather anything more from my phone? Is it possible that while the app is deleted, the app developer is allowed to maintain a mechanism which continues to gather information (and presumably which I was told about in the original T's and C's which I agreed to) ?

Solution 1:

If the app is deleted, so are all connections to said developer. It wouldn't get through the approval process if it was allowed to continue farming your data, plus it'd need to stay on your phone for this to work.

Solution 2:

Each app runs in a "sandbox" which isolates it from the rest of the phone / other apps on the phone. Access to the OS is limited by the functions a developer is provided to use. When an app is deleted it's entire sandbox is removed so nothing is left of that application. If however you gave data to the app and the app sent that information to the developer over the internet and/or you gave the app permission to use your facebook data offline for example, the developer could continue to access your facebook data from facebook until you deauthroised that app on the facebook platform for example.