How to limit the size of a comprehension?

Solution 1:

You can use a generator expression to do the filtering, then use islice() to limit the number of iterations:

from itertools import islice

filtered = (i for i in a if i == 1)
b = list(islice(filtered, 3))

This ensures you don't do more work than you have to to produce those 3 elements.

Note that there is no point anymore in using a list comprehension here; a list comprehension can't be broken out of, you are locked into iterating to the end.

Solution 2:

@Martijn Pieters is completly right that itertools.islice is the best way to solve this. However if you don't mind an additional (external) library you can use iteration_utilities which wraps a lot of these itertools and their applications (and some additional ones). It could make this a bit easier, at least if you like functional programming:

>>> from iteration_utilities import Iterable

>>> Iterable([1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2]).filter((1).__eq__)[:2].as_list()
[1, 1]

>>> (Iterable([1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2])
...          .filter((1).__eq__)   # like "if item == 1"
...          [:2]                  # like "islice(iterable, 2)"
...          .as_list())           # like "list(iterable)"
[1, 1]

The iteration_utilities.Iterable class uses generators internally so it will only process as many items as neccessary until you call any of the as_* (or get_*) -methods.

Disclaimer: I'm the author of the iteration_utilities library.

Solution 3:

You could use itertools.count to generate a counter and itertools.takewhile to stop the iterating over a generator when the counter reaches the desired integer (3 in this case):

from itertools import count, takewhile
c = count()
b = list(takewhile(lambda x: next(c) < 3, (i for i in a if i == 1)))

Or a similar idea building a construct to raise StopIteration to terminate the generator. That is the closest you'll get to your original idea of breaking the list comprehension, but I would not recommend it as best practice:

c = count()
b = list(i if next(c) < 3 else next(iter([])) for i in a if i == 1)


>>> a = [1,2,1,4,1,1,1,1]

>>> c = count()
>>> list(takewhile(lambda x: next(c) < 3, (i for i in a if i == 1)))
[1, 1, 1]

>>> c = count()
>>> list(i if next(c) < 3 else next(iter([])) for i in a if i == 1)
[1, 1, 1]