Simple switching between multiple monitor configurations

Try Disper, it's got some potential. I am still figuring it out but it will definitely do what you described. I don't think auto-switching is a realistic option yet, but Disper with a keyboard shortcut is worth trying out.

If you're using xorg.conf for your setup, this inelegant, but simple solution has worked for me:

Create a separate configuration file for each setup, which you will put in /etc/X11. Name them something like this:

  • xxorg.conf.home
  • xxorg.conf.single

(The double exes will prevent the server from spontaneously deleting the files)

Then create three simple shell scripts and put them in /usr/local/bin. Name them something like:

  • display.home
  • display.single

An example of the contents of one of the files looks like this:

  • "#!/bin/sh"
  • cp -f /etc/X11/ /etc/X11/xorg.conf
  • echo "Display is set for WORK"
  • echo "You must restart the display manager for settings to take effect."

To use these scripts, assuming you've booted up and are looking at the wrong display--

  • Press Ctrl-Alt-F2 to bring up a non-graphical shell.
  • log in
  • as root, (su or sudo, depending on your system) run the desired script.
  • restart your X server

Yes, it's not as nice as plug and play would be, but it's pretty quick and painless nonetheless.