Ubuntu 12.04 32bit cant login

Solution 1:

After some days with this issue and many SO threads read, I found that this seems to be an Ubuntu open Bug (Status 'Incomplete' as of July 2015).

More information about it here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1285444

The quick solution seems to be to rename the file that stores dconf settings:

$ mv ~/.config/dconf/user{,.old}

Solution 2:

Delete both .Xauthority and .ICEauthority from your user's home directory.

If you see old or backup or appended versions of either of these (for example .ICEauthority-c, ICEauthority, or .Xauthority.old) delete those too.

(Not having any of these files will not harm your system. They will be recreated at reboot/login.) After this, just reboot or logout & log back in and enjoy your computer again.

Tested on my system (Xubuntu 14.04 x86, linux kernel 3.13.0-35-generic)

Solution 3:

I also have the same problem, cannot login to ubuntu 14.04, but now I have succeed to login ^_^. This problem also have happened to older Ubuntu version, where I get to know the solution. In my case there was a mismatch on desktop config from the user I login and the available desktop config. Here what i did: ([username] just as a placeholder)

First I check the lightdm.log:

sudo nano /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log
I had a suspicion on these lines:
    [+27.41s] DEBUG: Session pid=1114: User [username] authorized
    [+27.42s] DEBUG: Session pid=1114: Greeter requests session ubuntu
    [+27.42s] DEBUG: Seat: Failed to find session configuration ubuntu
    [+27.42s] DEBUG: Seat: Can't find session 'ubuntu'

why did lightdm look for "ubuntu" session? This was because of [username] which i use its xsession is ubuntu. It was on /var/lib/AccountsService/users/[username]:

XSession=ubuntu <=====================  THIS ONE


Then i look at the xsession in folder /usr/share/xsessions. There was only gnome.desktop, no ubuntu.desktop.

So that I changed the content of /var/lib/AccountsService/users/[username]:

from XSession=ubuntu to XSession=gnome

Problem solved ^_^