Rails 3 library not loading until require
Solution 1:
Auto-loading works fine as long as the class in your file is a class that is only defined in that file. It doesn't work if you're wanting to re-open an existing class (originally defined in standard Ruby, Rails, or another library) and customize it in some way.
Example of problem:
Here's an example of a file in lib/ that would never get autoloaded:
ActiveRecord::Base # make sure ActiveRecord::Base is loaded
module ActiveRecord::Base::Extensions
# some methods here
class ActiveRecord::Base
include ActiveRecord::Base::Extensions
This file reopens ActiveRecord::Base
and adds some methods to that class.
What would trigger this file to get autoloaded?? Nothing! Auto-loading is based on constants, and the constant ActiveRecord::Base
has already been loaded (from the activerecord
So referencing the constant ActiveRecord::Base
in your app would not cause this particular file to be auto-loaded.
This is what I do to ensure that all my Ruby files under lib/
get required:
Add a new initializer named config/initializers/require_files_in_lib.rb
with this contents:
Dir[Rails.root + 'lib/**/*.rb'].each do |file|
require file
Solution 2:
The autoloader will snake case the constant, so "OpenTok" would make the autoloader look for "open_tok.rb", not "opentok.rb". Try renaming lib/opentok.rb and it should work fine.