turn num lock permanently ON

Solution 1:

The issue with Num Lock key in Remmina can be fixed by installing a newer version from ppa:remmina-ppa-team/remmina-next. This is what I got on Linux Mint 17.1 (based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS):

$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:remmina-ppa-team/remmina-next
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ dpkg -l | grep freerdp
ii  freerdp-x11                        1.2.0~git20141201+dfsg1-0trusty1  amd64  RDP client for Windows Terminal Services
ii  libfreerdp-plugins-standard:amd64  1.2.0~git20141201+dfsg1-0trusty1  amd64  RDP client for Windows Terminal Services (plugins)
ii  libfreerdp1:amd64                  1.2.0~git20141201+dfsg1-0trusty1  amd64  RDP client for Windows Terminal Services (library)
ii  libpam-freerdp                     1.0.1+13.10.20130724-0ubuntu1     amd64  PAM Module to auth against an RDP server using FreeRDP
$ dpkg -l | grep remmina
ii  remmina                            1.1.1-1+547+next~ubuntu14.04.1    amd64  remote desktop client for GNOME desktop environment
ii  remmina-common                     1.1.1-1+547+next~ubuntu14.04.1    all    common files for remmina remote desktop client
ii  remmina-plugin-rdp                 1.1.1-1+547+next~ubuntu14.04.1    amd64  RDP plugin for remmina remote desktop client

It seems this build of remmina uses freerdp-x11.

Solution 2:

Yes this is possible, with a workaround. First save this script somewhere

while true
sleep 4
numlockx on

then type in crontab -e in the terminal, add this entry to it:

@reboot /path/to/script

It should work, restoring numlock all the time.
