Difference between (function(){})(); and function(){}(); [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Peter Michaux discusses the difference in An Important Pair of Parens.

Basically the parentheses are a convention to denote that an immediately invoked function expression is following, not a plain function. Especially if the function body is lengthy, this reduces surprises,

Solution 2:

The extra set of parentheses makes it clearer that you are constructing a function and then calling it. It's a coding style thing, not a functionality thing.

Solution 3:


doesn't work in most of browsers. You should use parenthesis around the function in order to execute it


then browser will know that last parenthesis should be applied to all the expression


UPD: If you don't use parenthesis, the brower could misunderstand you. If you just call the function and dismiss the result

function() {

then ff and ie will throw error