SAS unzip a single sas7bdat file

You need to copy the file out of the ZIP file and write to a physical file. You can use the FCOPY() function to do this. To force it to copy the file as BINARY you need to set RECFM=F and a LRECL value, 512 is a natural record size to use, when defining the filerefs.

So here is complete program to create a dataset, zip it, unzip it to a new name and compare the two versions.

* Get path of current WORK directory ;
%let work=%sysfunc(pathname(work));

* Make a new work dataset ;
data work.class; set sashelp.class; run;

** Make the ZIP file **;
ods package(zip) open nopf;
ods package(zip) add file="&work./class.sas7bdat";
ods package(zip) publish archive
        archive_name= ""
ods package(zip) close;

* Create filerefs pointing to the source and target ;
filename zipin zip "&work/" member="class.sas7bdat"
  recfm=f lrecl=512
filename ssdout "&work/class2.sas7bdat" recfm=f lrecl=512;

* Use FCOPY() function to copy the file. ;
%let rc=%sysfunc(fcopy(zipin,ssdout));

* Check if it worked ;
proc compare data=class compare=class2; run;

If you cannot get FCOPY() to work try using the utility that Chris Hemedinger posted on his SAS Dummy blog.