What is an easy way to copy multiple specific files from one folder to another?

Assuming no space characters etc in the filenames you can use Terminal to run

cd "/path/to/A"
cp -- $(< "/path/to/list_of_files") "/path/to/B/"

If there are space characters in the filenames, or if the command above fails because there are too many files, use

cd "/path/to/A"
while IFS= read -r f; do
  cp -- "$f" "/path/to/B/"
done < "/path/to/list_of_files"

PS: If you want to move the files, use mv instead of cp.

Make sure each file name is on its own line in the text file.

Then in Terminal, do this:

cd /path/to/photo/files
cat list_of_files.txt | while read FILE; do
  mv "$FILE" /path/where/you/want/them