Cast int to enum strings in Typescript

Solution 1:

Enums in TypeScript are numbers at runtime, so message.type will be 0, 1, 2 or 3.

To get the string value, you need to pass that number into the enum as an index:

Type[0] // "Info"

So, in your example, you'll need to do this:

Type[message.type] // "Info" when message.type is 0


Solution 2:

Enums in TypeScript are objects at runtime that have properties that go from int -> string and from string -> int for all possible values.

To access the string value you will need to call:

Type[0] // "Info"

Make sure that you are passing the correct type into the property accessor though because chained calls can result in the following:

Type[Type.Info] // "Info"
Type[Type[Type.Info]] // 0
Type["Info"] // 0
Type[0] // "Info"

Solution 3:

I think with


you just get the mapped value and not the enum. Please try following code.
