Getting started with the Python debugger, pdb [closed]

I want to add pdb—the Python debugger—to my toolbox. What's the best way to get started?

Solution 1:

Here's a list of resources to get started with the Python debugger:

  1. Read Steve Ferb's article "Debugging in Python"
  2. Watch Eric Holscher's screencast "Using pdb, the Python Debugger"
  3. Read the Python documentation for pdb — The Python Debugger
  4. Read Chapter 9—When You Don't Even Know What to Log: Using Debuggers—of Karen Tracey's Django 1.1 Testing and Debugging.

Solution 2:


# -- experiment with the Python debugger, pdb
import pdb
a = "aaa"
b = "bbb"
c = "ccc"
final = a + b + c
print final

Now run your script:

$ python
(Pdb) p a