Can't install NTFS-3G on macOS BigSur
Hi I'm trying to install NTFS-3G on macOS BigSur but every time I run brew install ntfs-3g
it reports Error: ntfs-3g has been disabled because it requires FUSE!
Obviously I've already installed macFUSE from osxfuse but brew doesn't seem to recognise it.
How can I solve that?
The use of FUSE has been deprecated in homebrew: any formulas that use FUSE as a dependency have been disabled.
Your options are:
- use a different tap to install the FUSE using package (as mentioned in this issue)
brew tap gromgit/homebrew-fuse
brew install ntfs-3g-mac
- use a different package manager if another one provides ntfs-3g
- find a pre-compiled version of ntfs-3g along with dependencies
- compile ntfs-3g and dependencies yourself
- buy Paragon NTFSno affiliation