Why is Dragon Age randomly freezing?

Well actually Dragon Age is a pretty nice game, but it is freezing pretty often: i.e. i have to push the reset-button. Some pixels get weird colors and the sound gets in a loop.

I ...

  • installed the newest patch (1.04)
  • installed newest graphic card driver (also tried it with some older versions 190.x)
  • switched down graphics
  • started DA with only one processor
  • stopped AntiVirus
  • installed Windows new
  • played in windowed mode (i actually could play pretty long without any freeze)

Actually I even called the EA-Hotline ...

First I thought it freezes only during dialogs, but just right now it freezed somewhere standing in the landscape...

Some information on my system:
Windows 7 64bit, Intel i5, Geforce 9400GT, 4 Gig ram, Asrock P55M Pro mainboard

Solution 1:

Your grahpics card could also be defective. I had a similar problem with a graphics card that later ended up dying on me. If you have a spare kicking around, try swapping it out and see what happens.

Or alternatively, install the card in another PC (if available) and see what happens.

Solution 2:

Usually when a 3D program (games) freezes, especially with visual artefacts (like your "weird colored" pixels), either your cpu or your graphics card is overheating. This is good, it's easy to fix, just dust the heatsinks on your cpu and graphics card and you should be good to go. I reccomend using something like AIDA to see the temperatures on your system as you play.

Another possibility is defective ram. To test this, run memtest86 overnight and see if you get any errors.

Of course the game might be bugged itself (Fallout 3 comes to mind, I despise how unfinished that thing is), but dragon age is pretty stable overall.

Solution 3:

Try playing the game using a new user account, that worked for me sometimes but I can't explain why.

Solution 4:

Maybe you should check the sound card drivers/ Do you use an onboard sound card?