How do I connect my python spyder with github?
Solution 1:
A command line git has been integrated into Spyder.
First right click the tab corresponding to any file in your repository and click "set console working directory."
Then go to the Ipython window in Spyder and simply type your git commands (assuming Git is installed and its paths are configured properly) but append a "!" to the beginning of your command:
!git add "" !git commit -m "My commit" !git push origin master
Solution 2:
(Spyder developer here) I'm sorry but right now (February 2017) there's no integration between Spyder and Git/Github.
Besides, there are no concrete plans to add this support. We could it in a year or year and a half.
Related issue on github:
Solution 3:
+1 @betontalpfa. For me, I wanted to put a local file to an existing repository through Spyder ipython console.
So, instead of clicking "set console working directory", I just did the following in ipython console within Spyder (I'm on Mac OSX Mojave, and have installed Xcode already from the Appstore):
Init working directory as a git directory
!git init
Pull existing repository to merge with files you want to push
!git remote add origin
Add the file to local git
!git add
Push the file to
!git push -u origin master