localhost vs vs computer name vs ip in url
It is all about address resolution.
Usually, http://localhost:8161 will access When you make the request to localhost, before making the DNS request, your OS will look at a HOSTS file (/etc/hosts in Linux) and will see there a rule that says that localhost maps to
Sometimes, localhost is mapped to a different IP, such as This may cause the malfunction between localhost and (eg. your service is configured to listen to localhost which is mapped to and you try to access
If you use a hostname, your OS may go further on the network stack, and may even make a DNS request to discover the host IP and then try to access that URL.
When you use the IP address your SO will try to access that URL using the given IP address.
Not quite sure if I get the question, but are you wondering what the diffrence between the 4 urls are?
If that is the case: (loopback IP for the local machine) localhost (resolves to the address)
^ the two above, are not accessible from other equipment in your network (other workstations++)
mjm and is in this case two ways of connecting to the same computer, accesible from the "outside".
If you want to connect to your Apache ActiveMQ from a diffrent workstation; computername or the 192.* IP would be the way to go.