Install foo2zjs Driver on MacOS X?

[Reposted from and]

I have a friend who uses MacOS X 11.2 Big Sur and she would like to print to an HP LaserJet 1018.

I use Ubuntu, and I just plugged in the printer to my spiffy System76 laptop's USB port, waited a few seconds, got a pop-up message the printer was installed, and printed my stuff.

My System76 laptop uses the foo2zjs driver in CUPS for the printer, evidently, but I can't figure out how to download/compile/install that driver on her OS X laptop. The website appears to be permanently down, so I can't even download it from there. I installed HomeBrew and CakeBrew on her machine; a solution using CakeBrew would be just stellar.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

You can access the foo2zjs website on the WayBack Machine:

You could also try using Pacifist (a third-party app that lets you browse through .pkg files and install the contents, regardless of any compatibility checks. I would be surprised if the drivers for your printer in the HP v5.1 set didn't still work.