How can I tell when a given user's password will expire?

Is there a way from either the computer management console or the command line to determine when a user's password will expire?

Note: I'm asking this questions for a server that is not part of a domain.

Solution 1:

This can be achieved by the DOS/Batch command

net user username

If you were on a domain you would need to add the switch /Domain. In your case, just insert the username.

This will list the most important details of that account, including the expiry date of the user password.

Solution 2:

If you're chasing the same problem I had in the past, users want better warning of when their password is going to expire, especially when they're away from a typical PC. The following is the script I run every 72 hours (3 days) to e-mail warnings.

# © 2011 Chris Stone, Beerware Licensed
# Derived from © 2011 Jeffrey B. Murphy

import-module ActiveDirectory

$warningPeriod = 9
$emailAdmin = "[email protected]"
$emailFrom = "PasswordBot." + $env:COMPUTERNAME + ""
$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient("")

$summarybody="Name `t ExpireDate `t DaysToExpire `n"

(Get-ADUser -filter {(Enabled -eq "True") -and (PasswordNeverExpires -eq "False")} -properties *) | Sort-Object pwdLastSet | foreach-object {

    $daystoexpire=[math]::round((New-TimeSpan -Start $(Get-Date) -End $expires).TotalDays)

    if (($daystoexpire -le $warningPeriod) -and ($daystoexpire -gt 0)) {

        $subject = "$firstname, your password expires in $daystoexpire day(s)"
        $body = "$firstname,`n`nYour password expires in $daystoexpire day(s).`nPlease press Ctrl + Alt + Del -> Change password`n`nSincerely,`n`nPassword Robot"

        $smtp.Send($emailFrom, $_.EmailAddress, $subject, $body)

        $summarybody += "$samname `t $expires `t $daystoexpire `n"

if ($ThereAreExpiring) {
    $subject = "Expiring passwords"

    $smtp.Send($emailFrom, $emailAdmin, $subject, $summarybody)

Set those four configuration lines appropriately for your environment. Modify other parts as necessary.

PS may complain if the script isn't signed. I signed mine using (I have a code signing certificate):

Set-AuthenticodeSignature PasswordBot.ps1 @(Get-ChildItem cert:\CurrentUser\My -codesigning)[0]

Then I created a simple Scheduled Task, triggers every 72 hours, action is to run C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe with argument C:\Path\To\PasswordBot.ps1.

Note: The computer this script is run on must be a member of the domain, and must have the "Active Director module for Windows PowerShell" installed. You can run start /wait ocsetup ActiveDirectory-PowerShell on any server to install it, or find it in the Features list in Windows 7 (RSAT might be required, I can't remember now).