How to recover folder converted to file by check disk?

After turning on my computer, check disk checked my flash drive and converted corrupted folder to a file.
How can I recover data from converted folder?

Below is the message I found in bootex.log file on my hard drive after conversion happened.

Checking file system on E: The type of the file system is FAT.

One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recommended that you continue.
Windows will now check the disk. Volume Serial Number is 0A34-16CA
Unrecoverable error in folder \Documents\divers. Convert folder to file (Y/N)? Yes Convert lost chains to files (Y/N)? Yes 705036288 bytes in 43 recovered files. Windows has made corrections to the file system.

Solution 1:

chkdisk sometimes converts your folder to file type during the scan. To recover your data, follow the below steps.

  1. Go to Change folder and search option -> View -> check Show hidden files and uncheck Hide protected operating system files.
  2. You should see a folder with name "found.***" in your drive. Right-click on that folder and take ownership or grant yourself read/write permission on this folder through the Security tab.
  3. Now open "found.***" folder. There might be multiple "dir***.chk" folders inside.
  4. Go through each folder. One of them should have your lost data. You can simply copy/paste from here.

Solution 2:

Normally this data isn't easily recoverable. Try a combination of tools to see if indeed you can recover anything.

CHK-Mate, plus the UnCHK and FileCHK combo. Good Luck!

Solution 3:

The reason is unknow to me but the fact is that folder are not actually converted into file. The exe files of each folder name are created and folder are set hidden.

I recovered my folders by setting their attributes unhidden.

Follow these steps:

Click start--->Run

Type CMD----> press enter

Change driver by typing drive letter following ":" symbol now set folder attributes as below example:

attrib My Document -s -h

here you can replace "My Document" folder name with yours...