Force Gradle to run task even if it is UP-TO-DATE
If you want to rerun all tasks, you can use command line parameter --rerun-tasks
. However this is basically the same as doing a clean as it reruns all the tasks.
If you want to run a single task every time, then you can specify that it is never up-to-date:
mytask {
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
If you want to rerun a single task once and leave all the other tasks, you have to implement a bit of logic:
mytask {
outputs.upToDateWhen {
if (project.hasProperty('rerun')) {
println "rerun!"
return false
} else {
return true
And then you can force the task to be re-run by using:
gradle mytask -Prerun
Note that this will also re-run all the tasks that depend on mytask