imwheel destroys back / forth navigation buttons from my mouse

I installed imwheel correctly with sudo apt-get install imwheel. Afterwards I did insert this:

None,       Up,     Up,     10
None,       Down,   Down,   10

in my ~/.imwheelrc file. The scrolling works perfectly now. However the back / forth navigation buttons from my mouse(Logitecg G700) don't work anymore.

If I kill the process with killall imwheel, the buttons work.

Do you have any suggestions / ideas how to fix this? I'd like to use imwheel.

Solution 1:

You can restrict imwheel to only affect the scroll wheel with the -b option. See man imwheel for more information. Hence, run it with

imwheel -b 45

Some versions of imwheel (e.g. on Ubuntu 14.04) require a different syntax. If the output of imwheel --version is imwheel 1.0.0pre12 by -=<Long Island Man>=- <[email protected]>, then use the following syntax:

imwheel -b "4 5"

Solution 2:

I noticed everytime kill or buttons or -c is launched, there is a competing instance already running, try single line kill and button:

sudo imwheel --kill ---buttons "4 5"


sudo imwheel -k -b "4 5"