Best way to extract a subvector from a vector?

Suppose I have a std::vector (let's call it myVec) of size N. What's the simplest way to construct a new vector consisting of a copy of elements X through Y, where 0 <= X <= Y <= N-1? For example, myVec [100000] through myVec [100999] in a vector of size 150000.

If this cannot be done efficiently with a vector, is there another STL datatype that I should use instead?

vector<T>::const_iterator first = myVec.begin() + 100000;
vector<T>::const_iterator last = myVec.begin() + 101000;
vector<T> newVec(first, last);

It's an O(N) operation to construct the new vector, but there isn't really a better way.

Just use the vector constructor.

std::vector<int>   data();
// Load Z elements into data so that Z > Y > X

std::vector<int>   sub(&data[100000],&data[101000]);

This discussion is pretty old, but the simplest one isn't mentioned yet, with list-initialization:

 vector<int> subvector = {big_vector.begin() + 3, big_vector.end() - 2}; 

It requires c++11 or above.

Example usage:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

int main(){

    vector<int> big_vector = {5,12,4,6,7,8,9,9,31,1,1,5,76,78,8};
    vector<int> subvector = {big_vector.begin() + 3, big_vector.end() - 2};

    cout << "Big vector: ";
    for_each(big_vector.begin(), big_vector.end(),[](int number){cout << number << ";";});
    cout << endl << "Subvector: ";
    for_each(subvector.begin(), subvector.end(),[](int number){cout << number << ";";});
    cout << endl;


Big vector: 5;12;4;6;7;8;9;9;31;1;1;5;76;78;8;
Subvector: 6;7;8;9;9;31;1;1;5;76;

std::vector<T>(input_iterator, input_iterator), in your case foo = std::vector<T>(myVec.begin () + 100000, myVec.begin () + 150000);, see for example here

These days, we use spans! So you would write:

#include <gsl/span>

auto start_pos = 100000;
auto length = 1000;
auto span_of_myvec = gsl::make_span(myvec);
auto my_subspan = span_of_myvec.subspan(start_pos, length);

to get a span of 1000 elements of the same type as myvec's. Or a more terse form:

auto my_subspan = gsl::make_span(myvec).subspan(1000000, 1000);

(but I don't like this as much, since the meaning of each numeric argument is not entirely clear; and it gets worse if the length and start_pos are of the same order of magnitude.)

Anyway, remember that this is not a copy, it's just a view of the data in the vector, so be careful. If you want an actual copy, you could do:

std::vector<T> new_vec(my_subspan.cbegin(), my_subspan.cend());


  • gsl stands for Guidelines Support Library. For more information about gsl, see:
  • There are several gsl implementations . For example:
  • C++20 provides an implementation of span. You would use std::span and #include <span> rather than #include <gsl/span>.
  • For more information about spans, see: What is a "span" and when should I use one?
  • std::vector has a gazillion constructors, it's super-easy to fall into one you didn't intend to use, so be careful.