Count number of occurences for each unique value

Perhaps table is what you are after?

dummyData = rep(c(1,2, 2, 2), 25)

# dummyData
#  1  2 
# 25 75

## or another presentation of the same data
#    dummyData Freq
#  1         1   25
#  2         2   75

If you have multiple factors (= a multi-dimensional data frame), you can use the dplyr package to count unique values in each combination of factors:

data %>% group_by(factor1, factor2) %>% summarize(count=n())

It uses the pipe operator %>% to chain method calls on the data frame data.

It is a one-line approach by using aggregate.

> aggregate(data.frame(count = v), list(value = v), length)

  value count
1     1    25
2     2    75

table() function is a good way to go, as Chase suggested. If you are analyzing a large dataset, an alternative way is to use .N function in datatable package.

Make sure you installed the data table package by



# Import the data.table package

# Generate a data table object, which draws a number 10^7 times  
# from 1 to 10 with replacement

# Count Frequency of each factor level