Change default location for Explorer opened via hotkey

My searching has only shown me how to change various shortcuts for Windows Explorer to open specific locations. While learning the command line options for explorer.exe is beneficial, I'm trying to change where Windows Explorer opens when opening it by hitting Windows + E (the shortcut)-

This Super User question was particularly informative on the subject, but again - for shortcuts, not when using the global hotkey.

Why do I want this? Windows + E is by far my favorite; why to open Window's explorer? But, most of the time I want to see my userdir. Also, I detest the favorites, libraries, and desktop/user directory shown (Why? because they don't represent the filesystem), it should only be computer/* <- This I've done. I want Windows + E to open to be {install_drive}/users/{user}, e.g. c:/users/payo.

LikeHacker has an article entitled: 'Make Win+E Open the Folder of Your Choice'

It uses AutoHotKey which is a very helpful tool if you like to use your keyboard.

The line that works for me in the Autohotkey.ahk file is:

#e::Run, explore %USERPROFILE%

On Windows 7, it works this way:

  1. Open regedit, and navigate to:

  2. Rename the sub-key command to command.old, because we can't use it. (Its default value type is REG_SZ and we need a REG_EXPAND_SZ.)

  3. Open a Command Prompt window (cmd) as Administrator, to create a new key with a default value type REG_EXPAND_SZ. (This is not possible via regedit.)

  4. Type the following line and change C:\your\folder to your needs. Press Enter.

    reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\opennewwindow\command /ve /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /root, C:\your\folder"
  5. Press Win+E and Explorer opens at C:\your\folder.

I did it this way to change to My Computer. (Not a custom location)

I'm using Windows 10 Redstone.

Windows Key + E location