TypeScript isNan only accepts a number

Solution 1:

I advise you to implement your code differently.
The reasons:

  1. It might be short, but it's not easy to understand what's going on
  2. Using isNaN isn't the best option here: isNaN("") returns false as well

You better try to convert the value into a number and check if that's NaN or not (as @smnbbrv wrote):

if (typeof expectedValue === "string" && !Number.isNaN(Number(expectedValue))) {
    expectedValue = Number(expectedValue);


You can pass your value as any:

isNaN(ctualValue as any)

To bypass the compiler check.

Solution 2:

You should not solve it because this is how JavaScript works.

Just cast the input to number first

Number("10") // 10
Number("abc") // NaN

and then check the result with the isNan function:


Solution 3:

As ironically only numbers can be NaN, you need to transform strings into numbers first.

A very simple way to do this is the unary plus operator.

So you can do a simple isNaN(+"10").

Keep in mind that thing like +"", +" " and +"\n" are 0!