Visual Studio Do not open new browser instance

Solution 1:

I've discovered that Turning off Javascript debugging means that sites open in a new tab of an existing Chrome instance. From what I've seen the in Visual Studio debugging is not as good as Chrome's dev tools so turning this off is not an issue for me.

Turn off javascript debugging


As of VS2017 15.7.1 (and still the case in VS2019 16.0.0 and VS2022 17.0.0 PREVIEW) this fix no longer works and I've found I've had to additionally uncheck Stop debugger when browser window is closed

enter image description here

Solution 2:

There is solution to that problem. Very Simple please follows the below Steps.

  • Open Visual Studio
  • Go to "Tools" and then go to "Options"
  • Select "Projects and Solutions" and in that select "Web Projects"
  • Please uncheck this Option "Stop debugger when browser window is closed, close browser when debugging stops"
  • Click Ok

Now start project, it will not open in new chrome Instant but in a already running Chrome Instant.

Solution 3:

You can disable the website from being launched at all from the debug settings.


Once the web application is running you can launch the website from the taskbar.

enter image description here

The "Browse With..." menu option appears to launch the website without running the debug session in VS2017 which might not be what you want.