Android: How do I prevent the soft keyboard from pushing my view up?

Solution 1:

You can simply switch your Activity's windowSoftInputModeflag to adjustPan in your AndroidMainfest.xml file inside your activity tag.

Check the official documentation for more info.


If your container is not changing size, then you likely have the height set to "match parent". If possible, set the parent to "Wrap Content", or a constraint layout with constraingts to top and bottom of parent.

The parent container will shrink to fit the available space, so it is likely that your content should be inside of a scolling view to prevent (depending on the phone manufacturer and the layout choosen...)

  1. Content being smashed together
  2. Content hanging off the screen
  3. Content being inacccessable due to it being underneath the keyboard

even if the layout it is in is a relative or constraint layout, the content could exhibit problems 1-3.

Solution 2:

None of the answers worked for me, but this did the trick, add this attribute to the activity tag in your AndroidManifest.xml:


Solution 3:

In my case, the reason the buttons got pushed up was because the view above them was a ScrollView, and it got collapsed with the buttons pushed up above the keyboard no matter what value of android:windowSoftInputMode I was setting.

I was able to avoid my bottom row of buttons getting pushed up by the soft keyboard by setting android:isScrollContainer="false" on the ScrollView that sits above the buttons.