Please explain the exec() function and its family

What is the exec() function and its family? Why is this function used and how does its work?

Please anyone explain these functions.

Solution 1:

Simplistically, in UNIX, you have the concept of processes and programs. A process is an environment in which a program executes.

The simple idea behind the UNIX "execution model" is that there are two operations you can do.

The first is to fork(), which creates a brand new process containing a duplicate (mostly) of the current program, including its state. There are a few differences between the two processes which allow them to figure out which is the parent and which is the child.

The second is to exec(), which replaces the program in the current process with a brand new program.

From those two simple operations, the entire UNIX execution model can be constructed.

To add some more detail to the above:

The use of fork() and exec() exemplifies the spirit of UNIX in that it provides a very simple way to start new processes.

The fork() call makes a near duplicate of the current process, identical in almost every way (not everything is copied over, for example, resource limits in some implementations, but the idea is to create as close a copy as possible). Only one process calls fork() but two processes return from that call - sounds bizarre but it's really quite elegant

The new process (called the child) gets a different process ID (PID) and has the PID of the old process (the parent) as its parent PID (PPID).

Because the two processes are now running exactly the same code, they need to be able to tell which is which - the return code of fork() provides this information - the child gets 0, the parent gets the PID of the child (if the fork() fails, no child is created and the parent gets an error code).

That way, the parent knows the PID of the child and can communicate with it, kill it, wait for it and so on (the child can always find its parent process with a call to getppid()).

The exec() call replaces the entire current contents of the process with a new program. It loads the program into the current process space and runs it from the entry point.

So, fork() and exec() are often used in sequence to get a new program running as a child of a current process. Shells typically do this whenever you try to run a program like find - the shell forks, then the child loads the find program into memory, setting up all command line arguments, standard I/O and so forth.

But they're not required to be used together. It's perfectly acceptable for a program to call fork() without a following exec() if, for example, the program contains both parent and child code (you need to be careful what you do, each implementation may have restrictions).

This was used quite a lot (and still is) for daemons which simply listen on a TCP port and fork a copy of themselves to process a specific request while the parent goes back to listening. For this situation, the program contains both the parent and the child code.

Similarly, programs that know they're finished and just want to run another program don't need to fork(), exec() and then wait()/waitpid() for the child. They can just load the child directly into their current process space with exec().

Some UNIX implementations have an optimized fork() which uses what they call copy-on-write. This is a trick to delay the copying of the process space in fork() until the program attempts to change something in that space. This is useful for those programs using only fork() and not exec() in that they don't have to copy an entire process space. Under Linux, fork() only makes a copy of the page tables and a new task structure, exec() will do the grunt work of "separating" the memory of the two processes.

If the exec is called following fork (and this is what happens mostly), that causes a write to the process space and it is then copied for the child process, before modifications are allowed.

Linux also has a vfork(), even more optimised, which shares just about everything between the two processes. Because of that, there are certain restrictions in what the child can do, and the parent halts until the child calls exec() or _exit().

The parent has to be stopped (and the child is not permitted to return from the current function) since the two processes even share the same stack. This is slightly more efficient for the classic use case of fork() followed immediately by exec().

Note that there is a whole family of exec calls (execl, execle, execve and so on) but exec in context here means any of them.

The following diagram illustrates the typical fork/exec operation where the bash shell is used to list a directory with the ls command:

| pid=7  |
| ppid=4 |
| bash   |
    | calls fork
+--------+             +--------+
| pid=7  |    forks    | pid=22 |
| ppid=4 | ----------> | ppid=7 |
| bash   |             | bash   |
+--------+             +--------+
    |                      |
    | waits for pid 22     | calls exec to run ls
    |                      V
    |                  +--------+
    |                  | pid=22 |
    |                  | ppid=7 |
    |                  | ls     |
    V                  +--------+
+--------+                 |
| pid=7  |                 | exits
| ppid=4 | <---------------+
| bash   |
    | continues

Solution 2:

Functions in the exec() family have different behaviours:

  • l : arguments are passed as a list of strings to the main()
  • v : arguments are passed as an array of strings to the main()
  • p : path/s to search for the new running program
  • e : the environment can be specified by the caller

You can mix them, therefore you have:

  • int execl(const char *path, const char *arg, ...);
  • int execlp(const char *file, const char *arg, ...);
  • int execle(const char *path, const char *arg, ..., char * const envp[]);
  • int execv(const char *path, char *const argv[]);
  • int execvp(const char *file, char *const argv[]);
  • int execvpe(const char *file, char *const argv[], char *const envp[]);

For all of them the initial argument is the name of a file that is to be executed.

For more information read exec(3) man page:

man 3 exec  # if you are running a UNIX system

Solution 3:

The exec family of functions make your process execute a different program, replacing the old program it was running. I.e., if you call

execl("/bin/ls", "ls", NULL);

then the ls program is executed with the process id, current working dir and user/group (access rights) of the process that called execl. Afterwards, the original program is not running anymore.

To start a new process, the fork system call is used. To execute a program without replacing the original, you need to fork, then exec.

Solution 4:

what is the exec function and its family.

The exec function family is all functions used to execute a file, such as execl, execlp, execle, execv, and execvp.They are all frontends for execve and provide different methods of calling it.

why is this function used

Exec functions are used when you want to execute (launch) a file (program).

and how does it work.

They work by overwriting the current process image with the one that you launched. They replace (by ending) the currently running process (the one that called the exec command) with the new process that has launched.

For more details: see this link.

Solution 5:

exec is often used in conjunction with fork, which I saw that you also asked about, so I will discuss this with that in mind.

exec turns the current process into another program. If you ever watched Doctor Who, then this is like when he regenerates -- his old body is replaced with a new body.

The way that this happens with your program and exec is that a lot of the resources that the OS kernel checks to see if the file you are passing to exec as the program argument (first argument) is executable by the current user (user id of the process making the exec call) and if so it replaces the virtual memory mapping of the current process with a virtual memory the new process and copies the argv and envp data that were passed in the exec call into an area of this new virtual memory map. Several other things may also happen here, but the files that were open for the program that called exec will still be open for the new program and they will share the same process ID, but the program that called exec will cease (unless exec failed).

The reason that this is done this way is that by separating running a new program into two steps like this you can do some things between the two steps. The most common thing to do is to make sure that the new program has certain files opened as certain file descriptors. (remember here that file descriptors are not the same as FILE *, but are int values that the kernel knows about). Doing this you can:

int X = open("./output_file.txt", O_WRONLY);

pid_t fk = fork();
if (!fk) { /* in child */
    dup2(X, 1); /* fd 1 is standard output,
                   so this makes standard out refer to the same file as X  */

    /* I'm using execl here rather than exec because
       it's easier to type the arguments. */
    execl("/bin/echo", "/bin/echo", "hello world");
    _exit(127); /* should not get here */
} else if (fk == -1) {
    /* An error happened and you should do something about it. */
    perror("fork"); /* print an error message */
close(X); /* The parent doesn't need this anymore */

This accomplishes running:

/bin/echo "hello world" > ./output_file.txt

from the command shell.