What is the fastest way to level up as an Enchanter? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

The easiest/cheapest/fastest way to level enchanting is to enchant IRON DAGGERS & HIDE BRACERS

  • Buy ALL the iron ingots & all leather & strips the smith has EACH time you visit after the 2 day rest/wait.
  • Make iron daggers & hide bracers.
    DAGGERS = 1 iron ingot & 1 leather strip.
    HIDE BRACERS = 2 leather strips & 1 leather.
  • Sell ALL bracers you make back to the smith but SAVE ALL IRON DAGGERS & drop them off at your enchanting table for later.
  • When you're ready at your enchanting table, select your daggers, then select, say, fire damage, then select it again for the highest amount of charges. The amount it shows is your maximum potential at your current levels/perks. (I use fire damage because they sell well.)
  • Select your soul gem, use from lowest to highest. There's no need to use anything higher than common. You DO NOT get more leveling credit for using higher gems like a black or grand. You get the same credit regardless.
  • Collect all the lowest level gems you can, bind souls to them, then rinse and repeat the above.