What is the meaning of 'to shadow forth'?

Example usage:

With what fairer and nobler emblem could any man desire to shadow forth his character?


In time the bells ceased, and the bakers were shut up; and yet there was a genial shadowing forth...

(from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens)

I cannot find a satisfactory definition anywhere.

It is roughly synonymous with "symbolize", as OED indicates in this definition of shadow:

To represent by a shadow or imperfect image; to indicate obscurely or in slight outline; to symbolize, typify, prefigure. Now chiefly with adv. forth, out.

OED has citations for this definition up until 1894, so this sense of the word was used in Dickens' time.

It is a literary old expression: To shadow:

to represent faintly, prophetically, etc. (often followed by forth).


From The Excellency of the Liturgy: In Four Discourses 1804

We have shewn that the transactions at Mount Sinai, were intended to shadow forth the nature of the two dispensations, (that of the law and that of the gospel,) in a contrasted view.