Looking for an open source email archiving application [closed]

I'm looking for an open source application that will archive my email. It might do this by logging in to my POP3 account on a regular basis and copying the emails across, or it might just read my Unix mbox/maildir file/directory directly on the mail server.

It must be open and it must run on Linux (or any open OS actually). Ideally, it would have a web interface, but this is not a major requirement.

MXsense (http://www.mxsense.com/mxsense.html) seems to be pretty-much what I want, except it's not open.

I have no requirement for MS Exchange support.

Any suggestions?

The rationale (maybe a bit silly) is that I run Linux exclusively and it's still doesn't have an email client that is anywhere close to MS Outlook in terms of awesomeness, so I find myself switching between mail clients often. I would feel better about this if I had an archive of my emails, so it wouldn't matter which mail client I was using this month.

Try Mailarchiva, it is a good mail archival system with search options.


There's an open source product to do what you're looking for, though it may be a bit heavy-weight for a single mailbox. It's got a normalized relational database schema and uses Postgres on the back-end for data storage (such that you can "connect" to the mail store with ODBC drivers, etc). Have a look: http://www.archiveopteryx.org/

It sound like you may be over-thinking this a bit. Why not just write a script that archives (think tar) the mailbox on the server with the date/time as part of the filename and store that somewhere? Run it as often as you like via cron.

As for the client, Evolution is the only thing I've found that's anywhere near an Outlook replacement. I haven't used it for a couple of years but when I did I was very pleased and impressed.

Following up on Martynas' response, you could also set a forward to copy a gmail (or similar) account, and you can probably set your mail client to bcc that same gmail account for every message you compose/send. Then you can just log in to gmail to go through (or better yet, search) your archive.

This is more of a single-user based approach. I use IMAP instead of POP, so it doesn't matter which mail client I am using (or on which computer), as all mail is stored and organized on the server.