How to switch the capitals characters transform in DBeaver?
Got to Preferences > General > Editors > SQL Editor > SQL Formatting. Then over under Auto Format there is a box for Convert Keyword Case.
For DBeaver 6.2.4 I've found it in:
Window → Preferences → Database → Editors → SQL Editor → SQL Formatting / Keyword case option Keyword case option1
Window → Preferences → Database → Editors → SQL Editor → SQL Completion/ Convert keyword case option Keyword case option2
For DBeaver 7.0.2:
- Window → Preferences → DBeaver → Editors → SQL Editor → SQL Completion/ Convert keyword case option
My two cents, for Version
- Preferences -> DBeaver -> Editors -> SQL Editor -> SQL Formating -> Keyword case
You can dictate this behaviour. Didn't test for older versions but it seems to be there for a while.