How to find a site whose name I do not remember in Chrome history?

I need to find a specific site in my Chrome history, but I don't remember the name of the site. My Chrome history is full of Youtube and Google searches so I can't just scroll before I find the site that I need. Maybe I can somehow exclude Youtube and Google searches in my Chrome history in order to find the site that I need? Please help me solve my problem.

Solution 1:

Google Chrome stores its history in an SQLite database in ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Profile 1 by default. You could run

cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome/Profile\ 1
sqlite3 History

to open it, and then use a query like

select title, url from urls where url not like '' and url not like '';

to list all URL not matching the pattern.

If there are a lot of lines to search through, you can also dump the content of that table into a CSV file.

sqlite3 -csv History "select title, url from urls where url not like '' and url not like ''" > ~/Desktop/URLs.csv

will create a CSV file containing page titles and URLs on your desktop from where you can open it in Numbers, LibreOffice or any text editor.