"Warning: iPhone apps should include an armv6 architecture" even with build config set

Solution 1:

If using Xcode 4.2 or higher, try the following:

  1. Click your Project name (in the left column), followed by the Target:

    enter image description here

  2. Click the 'Build Settings' tab (in the right column):

    enter image description here

  3. Click the 'Release' or 'Distribution' row under 'Architectures', and choose 'Other...':

    enter image description here

  4. Double click the highlighted row named '$(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT)' in the popover that appears, and replace it by typing 'armv6'. Then add a new row with the plus button in the bottom left of the popover, and type 'armv7', then click Done:

    enter image description here

Update: you should add armv7s to target the iPhone 5 as well. (And drop armv6 if building with Xcode 4.5 or higher, which no longer supports armv6.)

That's it. You should now be able to build/archive without generating errors.

If it still doesn't work, see this answer from justinxreese, which suggests adding entries for armv6 and armv7 under "Required Device Capabilities" in your info.plist file.

Solution 2:

If you uncheck "Build Active Architecture Only", then it will build all the valid architectures.

Update: This is no longer applicable as of Xcode 4 - follow Nick's instructions for Xcode 4 and later.

Solution 3:

I had this problem even after following the accepted answer and found the following to work:

In your Info.plist, add an entry for Required Device Capabilities. This should be an array and will have two entries.

  • Item 0 : armv6
  • Item 1 : armv7

It will look like this:

Required device capabilities entry

Solution 4:

In addition to Nick's answer about Xcode 4.2, you may also need to review your info.plist file. It seems as if new projects started in Xcode 4.2 by default specify 'armv7' in the 'Required Device Capabilities'. You'll need to remove this if wanting to support devices that run armv6 (e.g. the iPhone 3G).

enter image description here

Delete armv7 from the 'Required device capabilities' in yourProjectName-Info.plist

Solution 5:

An ios 6 update

Changes in Xcode 4.5.x for ios 6

  1. Xcode 4.5.x (and later) does not support generating armv6 binaries.
  2. Now includes iPhone 5/armv7s support.
  3. The minimum supported deployment target with Xcode 4.5.x or later is iOS 4.3.